Our Vision and Mission



“To represent all TSB students, so that they can empower their education to stimulate their development; Academic and Beyond"


We execute our mission by: connecting people in meaningful ways, letting people excel by providing support, enhancing transparency and guarding and improving the quality of education. 



We represent students in the TSB Faculty Council for 2024/2025


Do you want to know more about who we are and what we stand for? Click on the link in the heading and find out what our vision is for the upcoming academic year!

For further questions you can always reach out to us via our social media channels, or send us an email to fractiestimulus@tilburguniversity.edu. You can also find us in our office in room T610 in Tias building on campus.





The Faculty Council

Stimulus is the oldest student party of the School Council of Tilburg University's School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

Every year seven students from TSB are chosen to represent the students of all TSB programs in the Faculty Council. This year there are two student parties in the council: Student Party Stimulus and Active TSB. We work closely together with Active TSB to represent the TSB students as adequately as possible. Hand in hand with seven representatives of the school staff the School Council of TSB is formed.

In cooperation with the university student parties, study associations as well as the education committees, we represent the students of Tilburg University.

Our pillars

"Connecting people in meaningful ways"

We are connecting people by hosting the Faculty Forum where all study associations and parties of TSB bend over important issues regarding students. Next to that, we value our partnerships with the TSB Platform, the University forum, the Election Committees and the Education Committees to strengthen each other. In order to better represent the TSB students, we bond with other student representative parties like SAM, Front and Active TSB. Besides all these connections we host the International Advisory Group to really get to know what is important for international students and what can be done to fulfill their needs. Lastly, we organize annual drinks to get to know the study associations and parties of TSB better which makes our collaboration more smoothly.

"Let people excel by providing support"

To us it is of importance that students excel themselves. To make sure that they can, we provide support. One of the main things we do is discussing relevant topics, giving advice and improving documents from the School Council. These documents influence how education is structured and organized for the students. Furthermore, we provide faculty wide input towards associations within TSB.

We also think it is very important to support international students. To do so, we are publishing a manual on housing, studying and living in the Netherlands. Finally, if students have faculty related questions, they can come to us, and we will answer their questions.


"Enhancing transparency"

Communication is the key to keeping you informed. Via our social media channels, we keep the students updated about what is discussed in the School Council. Furthermore, we proactively seek the opinion of the TSB students on certain topics. Lastly, we listen to other things students have on their minds, act upon it and give back the results.


"Guarding and improving the quality of education"

Quality of education has always been and will always be one of the most important points of the School Council. We collaborate with the education committees to preserve and improve the quality of education, for example by reviewing the course evaluations filled out by the students. Besides that, we are working to improve the labor market relevance of the courses, so that students are better prepared for their future jobs. Our biggest impact on the quality of education is during the School Council when we ask critical questions to Management Team about education related topics. For example the Annual Plan, Budget, Quality Agreement and Language Consistency.

stimulus represents all tsb students